The Cold Hard Truth About Diabetes
Countless studies from scientists and doctors all over the world have proven that people with type 2 diabetes can normalize blood sugar, increase insulin sensitivity, end neuropathy pain, lower risk of blindness, amputations and be taken off all diabetes drugs and insulin injections. Patients with type 1 diabetes are also able to greatly reduce drug and insulin dosages while lowering blood sugar.

Do you think this life changing, ground-breaking information will ever be revealed to the public?

paid off medical system
Considering that all of these studies are decades old, and in the years since, millions of people have been diagnosed with diabetes and millions have needlessly died from this disease, you can safely say that this information will stay secret. Diabetics will forever be kept in the dark about these powerful life-saving methods.
Can you hear it? Ka-ching! By keeping this information away from the public, the pharmaceutical companies just saved themselves from losing 370 million customers and billions of dollars in profits - and in doing so condemned hundreds of millions of people to early death - all in the name of profit.
The drug companies NEED you to stay a diabetic. The pharmaceutical industry feeds on sick people who they've hooked onto their drugs that must be taken for life.

The Three Diabetes Lies:

  • Type 2 diabetes is something you're stuck with for life
  • You must take diabetes drugs, insulin injections and measure blood sugar until the day you die.
  • Prescription drugs are the best way to battle this disease and as long as you take your prescribed medication, you are safe from early death.
These are all completely false - lies perpetrated by the pharmaceutical industry to keep you sick and hooked on their drugs.

What they won't tell you:

By living with diabetes and by taking your prescribed medication, you are under the constant daily threat of dying of a heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, succumbing to blindness, amputations, neuropathy, hypertension, nerve system disease, high cholesterol, depression, and falling into a coma. Those are just the side-effects of living with diabetes.
Now lets add the side-effects from the drugs that are supposed to "help" you; hepatitis, liver problems, acidosis leading to death within hours, heart attacks, stroke, increased risk of cancer, weakened immune system, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, heart failure, etc.

If you think it will ever get better, it won't.

It has been scientifically proven that simply treating diabetes with conventional methods does not stop the disease. Over time, diabetics are prescribed higher and higher dosages of drugs. Then when those fail, they get prescribed insulin injections on top of drugs. It doesn't matter if you follow your doctors recommendations and dosages exactly as prescribed. This isn't a question of IF, but WHEN. Your health will get worse. The drugs you take will fail. The insulin injections you take will also fail.

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